ئامانجی پڕۆژهی ئهپرایز بریتیه له ئاسانكردنی چاكسازیی رێكخراوی سیستهمی خوێندنی باڵا له ههرێمی كوردستانی عێراق له رێگای داخڵكردنی پایهكانی پڕۆسهی بۆلۆنیا و پڕاكتیزهكانی ئیدارهی باش، ههروهها پاڵپشتیكردنی به مۆدێرنكردنی دامهزراوهكانی خوێندنی باڵا و باشتركردنی تواناكانی بهرپرسان و ستافی زانكۆكانی كوردستان. ئامانجی گشتیی پڕۆژهكه بریتیه له بهرزكردنهوهی كواڵێتیی كهرتی خوێندنی باڵا لهڕێگای گهیشتن به دهسكهوتێكی بهرچاو لهم رێگایهدا. ئهنجام و دهسكهوتهكانی پڕۆژهكه لهخوارهوه خراونهتهڕوو.
Report on the working groups held in Erbil on November 2021, which substitued the field visits in the Kurdistan region of Iraqt, in the three provinces of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Duhok. The visits were not feasible at that time due to the still ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
The first step of the project was to conduct an up-to-date needs analysis of the Kurdish Higher Education system, led by Duhok University (WP1 leader) and UNIMED (WP1 co-leader), aimed at identifying gaps and priorities in governance, quality assurance practices and credits recognition for learning mobility.
The process of identification of needs included a thorough desk research, a self-evaluation exercise on behalf of the 8 Kurdish universities and working groups performed in November 2021 in Erbil.
The whole process and the final report are available HERE.
The design of the institutional roadmaps by the 8 Kurdish universities has been a long-lasting process. The steps undertaken, the intermediate results (including the not-expected ones) and the final outcomes are reported HERE.
Report of the consultative workshop held at the University of Pisa (Italy) concurrently with the 2nd partnership meeting. On March 15th all partners of the project gathered for a workshop titled “Definition of a roadmap for a better university governance and implementation of Bologna process at KRI HEIs”. The consultation workshop was the occasion for European Partners to share their experiences with the Bologna Process implementation in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Norway, and to answer to the doubts of Kurdish HEIs regarding their implementation process. Kurdish representatives discussed and defined the high-level objectives for the universities as guiding principles for the WP2 roadmap.
The training week in Oslo was the fist step of the activities planned in WP3 Strategic Planning, Management and Quality Assurance: Capacity Building Action. Representatives from the 8 Kurdish partner universities travelled to Norway to attend the training week hosted by the University of Oslo from May 9th to May 13th 2022, and discuss together the main practices of the Bologna Process, to learn how to implement major changes at their institutions, and discuss on how to move forward in the path of modernization and renovation. Training week in Oslo – Report
The capacity building action continued at the University of Sulaymania for a week of training workshops from June 13th to June 16th 2022. The training workshops saw the participation of 40 participants among academic and administrative staff representing the 8 Higher Education Institutions from the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the Ministry. In this occasion the training was more practical and operational compared to the week in Oslo. Sulaimani Training workshop – Report.
The double field visit at the University of Pisa and the University of Evora was a key milestone in the project after the training weeks in Oslo and Sulaimani organised respectively in May and June 2022. 27 academic staff members from Kurdish universities participated in the circular field visit at the two EU university partners for this on-the-job training. They had the opportunity to see how universities implement procedures and mechanisms, such as respecting quality standard, the management of the internationalisation units, the management of research activities, and more. The field visits were very practical as a number of visits at the main university offices have been also organised. Read more HERE.
The double field visit at UNIMED and the University of Murcia took place in Januaru 2023. 36 academic staff members from Kurdish universities participated in the circular field visit in Italy and Spain, focused on learning mobility and internationalisation. They had the opportunity to learn how to strenghten the internationalisation process of their institutions and reinforce strategic cooperation, partnerships and networking, with particular focus on recognition of credits, learning mobility and quality assurance. Read more HERE.
The APPRAIS capacity building action includes a MOOC to train Kurdish staff members with dedicated modules on the main project topics and empower staff members to develop their institutional strategic plans.
The main topics included in the MOOC are related to governance, the design of the study programs (learning outcomes, student workload, and the European Credit Transfer System), recognition of credits, learning mobility, and internal and external quality assurance.
All EU partners, under the overall guidance of the WP4 coordinator – the University of Murcia – and the co-leader, University of Zakho – contributed to the course contents by sharing their own experience, good practices, and knowledge, providing an overall view about the principles of the Bologna Process as it was implemented in their HEIs.
More information about the process of development, delivery and participation in the MOOC are available HERE.
The APPRAIS journey continued in Erbil with the Restitution and Harmonization Workshop held on 27-28 February jointly organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG. The event saw the participation of more than 60 people among Presidents and Vice Presidents from Kurdish universities, partners of APPRAIS project and not partners, Directors of Quality Assurance, Directors of IROs and academic staff involved in the daily activities of the project, as well as the participation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research officials. The event was relevant to put the basis for the dialogue and harmonisation between the Ministry and the HEIs for a shared strategy. Read more HERE.
Report of the Harmonization workshop in Erbil.
Read more about the activities of WP5 HERE.
The eight Kurdish Universities, partners of the APPRAIS project, are starting their local Training of Trainees (ToT) while the project is moving on towards the end.
Eight ToT sessions will take place during May and June 2023 organised and hosted by each of the Kurdish university participating in the project. Each training session, focusing on the main topic of the University Governance, will see the involvement of the universities staff for almost a week of work. Read more HERE.
Read more about the activities of WP5 HERE.
Eight ToT sessions will take place during May and June 2023 organised and hosted by each of the Kurdish university participating in the project. Each training session, focusing on the main topic of the University Governance, will see the involvement of the universities staff for almost a week of work. Read more HERE.
Read more about the activities of WP5 HERE.
The aim was to develop an institutional strategic plan with the involved stakeholders for each Kurdish university, validated by the leadership of each university and by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in KRG. The plan includes the university strategy on Quality Assurance, recognition of credits, Bologna Process and in general on management of the governance system, which are the pillars of the APPRAIS project.
All the strategic plans of the 8 HEIs in KRG are based on the Roadmap defined in WP2 and on the shared Strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in KRG.
All the Institutional Strategic Plans are available HERE, together with the Ministerial strategy.
The internal Quality and Evaluation Plan of the APPRAIS project is available HERE. In order to support the success of APPRAIS in the achievement of its ambitious objectives, it is key to establish proper quality and evaluation procedures enabling the effective monitoring of the project progressing and accompanying the project throughout its development. The present plan is elaborated to document Q&E procedures and to guide the consortium in the effective and efficient performance of the project foreseen activities. Quality assurance and Evaluation are the joint responsibility of all APPRAIS partners, and the plan intends to provide them with guidance on: the role and responsibilities of each Partner, the documentation of the project progressing, risk management, the monitoring of processes, the quality of contents, the tools for Q&E activities, the indicators for the monitoring of the project.
The Dissemination and Exploitation Plan of the APPRAIS project is available HERE. The main objective of the document is to define the priorities, strategies and tools for the communication, exploitation and sustainability of the project. Most notably, the promotion of the project and its achievements contributes to ensure the transparency of the project partnership and funding, to promote a common message on the necessity to develop skills and competences for the modernization of the Kurdish universities’ governance, to give visibility to the main activities carried out in this framework and ultimately to contribute to the project results sustainability. The plan is enriched by specific and customized activities for each of the identified target groups and by indicators to quantify the aimed values for each activity and identified stakeholders.
The project website is the main dissemination tool aimed at presenting the project, informing on ongoing activities and the outcomes generated. One of the main dissemination tasks is to constantly feed the web with multi-media contents, news and press releases on activities and initiatives. All the communication material produced is also uploaded on the website, to be available for partners and externals who want to further disseminate the project.
Website URL: https://www.appraisproject.eu/
For the Kurdish version please visit here:https://www.appraisproject.eu/ku/
The Report on the website visits between September 2021 and October 2022 is available HERE.
The Report on the website visits between November 2022 and April 2023 is available HERE.
Dissemination materials are produced all along the project lifetime, to support promotion of specific project moments. It includes up-to-now a project postcard, a project brochure, roll-ups, project templates. All materials are available in the Media kit section of the website.
The Newsletter archive is also available there. To access click HERE.
The project has also an Instagram account, see more HERE. A monitoring report of the IG activity is available HERE.
The first Dissemination Report (mid-term) is available HERE.
The Project Management Handbook of the APPRAIS project is available HERE. The document is a reference manual containing the project management strategy and procedures, integrating the decisions taken at the kick-off meeting, and the composition of the Assembly of Partners and the Strategic Committee. The Handbook summarizes the management principles and methods to be followed in the project, the decision-making process, the work breakdown structure, the role and tasks per Partners, the risk management strategy and the management monitoring tools. It serves as a reference document for the project partners and the External Quality Expert.
2nd Partners Meeting in presence in Pisa, on March 16-17, 2022 | Agenda – Minutes – Participants List