Call for tender – Purchase of Quality assurance software in research, third mission and students’ services – in the framework of the project APPRAIS – “governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRrocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq”.
Call published: 10/08/2022
Deadline for submission: 10/09/2022
Please find the Tender Specifications here.
The document represents an invitation to tender for the purchase of a dedicated software on
quality assurance aiming to allow a more accurate and professional management of the
services delivered by the university QA directorate in particular with regards research,
students’ services and third mission in Kurdistan region of Iraq (see Annex I), as part of the
APPRAIS project, co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. The
Call for tender is in no way binding for the involved parties.