According to the project workplan, a training week hosted by the University of Oslo has just started.
The training week is the fist step of the activities planned in WP3 Strategic Planning, Management and Quality Assurance: Capacity Building Action. Representatives from the 8 Kurdish partner universities have travelled to Norway to attend the training week and discuss together the main practices of the Bologna process implementation, to learn how to implement major changes at their institutions following the examples of European universities, learning from their experiences and moving forward in their path towards modernization and renovation through the exchange between peers.
The programme of the week is available here:
Day 1 “The Bologna Process and its implications“
Day 2 “Governed or self-governed? Policies for governance of higher education in Norway“
Day 3 “University Social Responsibility, Student Services“
Day 4 “Quality Assurance in Research“
Day 5 “Strategic Planning in Higher Education“
The University of Oslo has welcomed the Kurdish colleagues with a greeting from Hanna Ekeli, the Director of Studies, and will feature a wide number of experts along the week. Kurdish universities are represented by Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Quality Assurance Directors, International Relations Directors, members of the Bologna Process committee and more, all willing to advance in their institutional processes of adaptation to modern governance practices in Higher Education.