Governance, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform Process in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The project APPRAIS has been launched

On 8-9-10 March 2021, the staff from 8 Kurdish Universities (Salahaddin University, University of Sulaimani, University of Duhok, Halabja University, Duhok Polytechnic University, University of Garmian, University of Zakho, Charmo University), together with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan region and the colleagues of 4 Universities in Europe (University of Pisa, Italy; University of Oslo, Norway; University of Murcia, Spain; University of Evora, Portugal), gathered online for a three-days of working and conversations to explore the details of the different work packages of the project APPRAIS. The scope of the dedicated sessions was to agree on responsibilities and tasks for a smooth implementation of the project on behalf of the whole Consortium.

The project APPRAIS, governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRrocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union under the Capacity Building key action 2 and coordinated by UNIMED, is a new cooperation project tackling Higher Education governance and strategic planning in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and has officially kicked-off on February 2-3, 2021.

The project is strongly supported by the Ministry of Higher and Scientific Research (MOHESR KRG) with the aim to improve governance, accountability and quality assurance through the implementation of the Bologna process.

The APPRAIS specific objectives are:

  • Enhancing good governance, by strengthening the definition and development of HEIs roadmaps
  • Improving HEIs capacities on quality assurance mechanisms, strategic planning, management and accountability practices
  • Supporting the implementation of Bologna Process within HEIs in Kurdistan region of Iraq by improving knowledge on recognition of credits and learning mobility
  • Adopting the university reform on good governance and Bologna process at each HEIs, through the definition and validation of institutional action plans

Furthermore, through the training and support provided by the European partners to the Kurdish Universities, the project aims to empower presidents, vice-presidents, heads of international offices and quality managers to take the lead in the process of modernization of the HE system in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The three-days of virtual gathering on the project WPs have been the occasion for all the partners to virtually meet each other and to discuss about the key milestones foreseen by the project. Conversation ranged from strategic goals to operative details, reinforcing the great commitment of all Partners in achieving high level outcomes.

They have been also the occasion to start working concretely on the preparatory activities for the project implementation, meaning the update of the state of the art on university governance in the Kurdish HE system, through a desk research and a self-assessment on behalf of the Kurdish HEIs. The aim is to identify priorities, gaps and needs to be tackled in the capacity building action which will follow.

The APPRAIS partnership also started talking about the transversal activities of the project related to quality control and dissemination of the project activities and results.

Stay tuned to hear about the further steps of the APPRAIS project!