The legacy of APPRAIS – Governance, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform Process in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The end of the project is a new beginning

During the past three years, the project APPRAIS – governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRrocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq, has strongly contributed to the rebuilding and modernisation of the governance system of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with a specific focus on strategic planning, quality assurance and Bologna Process implementation. […]
APPRAIS Quality Assurance Software

The APPRAIS Consortium agreed to dedicate the equipment budget to develop a unique software for quality assurance management (QAM) in research, students’ services and third mission, for the 8 HEIs in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The tool was intended to equip the QA Directorates in each Kurdish HEIs to ensure an accurate and professional […]
Strategic Planning: a joint effort between the Ministry of Higher Education and the Kurdish universities

Strategic planning in higher education is the process an institution follows to realize its vision of its ideal future state. The vision becomes a reality through the process that defines specific goals, needs, and actions and it helps to structure and contextualize information leading to important decisions. An effective planning process starts with a thorough […]
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Nowruz Mubarak!

Extended deadline for the Call for Papers

In the framework of the project, we invite academics, researchers and practitioners to submit papers and contribute to a publication branded APPRAIS. An Editorial Committee has been established, with representatives of the Partner institutions, responsible for assessing the papers and outlining the publication. The APPRAIS publication will contribute to give visibility to the project and […]
Seasons greetings – The UNIMED team wishes Happy Holidays to every member of the APPRAIS community!

2023 has been an amazing year for our project, the third and last APPRAIS year, filled with many challenges and achievements. We would like to thank every member of the APPRAIS family for their wonderful committment and enthousiasm in carrying out the project activities. Wish you a Happy New Year filled with joy, happiness and […]
Call for Papers

In the framework of the project, we invite academics, researchers and practitioners to submit papers and contribute to a publication branded APPRAIS. An Editorial Committee has been established, with representatives of the Partner institutions, responsible for assessing the papers and outlining the publication. The APPRAIS publication will contribute to give visibility to the project and […]
The closing event of APPRAIS celebrates the achieved results and establishes future and sustainable goals

On December 4th, the APPRAIS partners gathered in Erbil to attend the final conference of the project, hosted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Kurdistan region of Iraq and UNIMED, project coordinator. More than 100 attendees took part in the event, from both partner and non-partner institutions among university Presidents, Vice-Presidents for […]
The APPRAIS Final Conference Unveils Successes and Future Prospects

After three years full of activities, exchange and dialogue between the partners, the APPRAIS project is coming to an end. On December 4th, the partners gathered at the Ramada Hotel in Erbil for the final conference hosted by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research KRG and UNIMED. Several Kurdish institutions that were not partners […]